How To Play a Perfect Warm Up Set

How To Play a Perfect Warm Up Set

The ‘warm-up’ is the term used to describe the first DJ set of the evening, before peak time and the guests are on, when the club is first filling up. The warm-up DJ generally isn’t considered as ‘important’ as the guest DJs –...
8 Tips We’d Give To All DJs

8 Tips We’d Give To All DJs

De La Soul said it best “everybody wants to be a DJ, everybody wants to be an MC.” But as artists, we don’t really have a standardised way of teaching the new generation etiquette, professionalism or how to make that final 10% count. So we thought we would come...
DJ Booths – How to Conduct Yourself in One

DJ Booths – How to Conduct Yourself in One

For DJs, our place of work is unique. From the cramped and musty with sticky carpet variety, to booths which resemble Ikea; if Ikea sold CDJs and fully stocked mini-bars. If you’re gigging, then the DJ booth is going to be your home for the rest of the evening, and...