You may be surprised to hear this, but here at Ibiza Club News, we’re big fans of clothes. That’s right, we get a real buzz out of sticking our arms, legs and heads through a variety of randomly shaped holes. So, we’re always on the lookout for new threads that both look good and are capable of withstanding the many long hours we spend in dark sweaty rooms dancing to repetitive beats.

For stuff that goes on the bottom half, we tend to lean more towards practicality than aesthetics, although we have been known to be quite partial to the odd pair of ripped jeans for the look rather than the air conditioning. However, top half clothing, the less compulsory garments, are when we really make an effort to find stuff that captures our spirit.

We started off wearing t-shirts with slogans like “I’m with stupid” or “If found please return to the pub” printed on them, but then we turned eighteen, got some sense and stopped dressing like Inbetweeners. Since then, we’ve been looking for brands that print t-shirts that are a bit more classy and still reflect our personalities and what we do so we were really excited when we found Acid87.

Now, before you ask, saying we wanted clothes that reflect our personalities and what we do, then saying that Acid87 is one of our favourite brands, isn’t some kind of reference to psychedelic nights we’ve spent stargazing on Benirrás beach, although there have been a few. Acid87 is a brand that is very much immersed in dance music culture and in particular a throw back to the earliest days of the acid house scene.

In some ways, we really wish we’d been old enough to enjoy the acid house days and witness the now legendary illegal parties as electronic music was developing, and in other ways , we’re kind of glad we were a little late to the party and missed those days because if we’d been at those parties we’d be a significant number of years older than we are. So, by celebrating their memory in the form of some awesome t-shirt designs, we think we’ve pretty much found the perfect happy medium.

The products available on the Acid87 website are predominantly t-shirts, but you’ll also find a spatter of shirts, sweatshirts, hoodies, hats and even the odd phone cover. The thing we like best about the Acid87 range is that they’re quite ballsy, some of the designs include slogans like “JESUS LOVES THE ACID”, which we’ve heard is actually true, “F*CK POLITICS JUST DANCE” and “NO PHONES NO PHOTOS JUST DANCE”. These t-shirts might not be for everyone, but they’ll really appeal to groups of ravers of a certain vintage.

The line is full of references to the dawning of rave culture, the Summer of Love, The Hacienda and plenty of smiley faces are worked subtly into some of the designs while they’ve also released what seem to collaborations with artists like Gorgon City and Altern8.

We decided to pick up a few different pieces from the range to put them through their paces and, we have to say, we were really happy with everything we bought. Apart from the design, the quality of all of the stuff we got was top notch. We’re always a little bit wary when buying stuff online, we like to be able to feel it first and make sure what we’re buying isn’t made from recycled dish cloths. We took the chance with Acid87 and we weren’t let down at all. These bits are well made and you can feel their quality as soon as  you put them on. They also didn’t take forever to get delivered, they actually only took three days, which isn’t quite the exact opposite of forever, but it’s not a kick in the arse away from it. We ordered the large and, despite all of the late nights drinking beers in many of Ibiza’s venues, our beer ponches we’re no match for these well fitted garments. They were comfortable and looked good and not a sucked in gut in sight.

The price of these bits and pieces was also extremely competitive for good quality clothing. A t-shirt will set you back between £25 and £30, €30-€35, while a hoodie or sweatshirt is yours for £35, just over €40, and you can get your hands on a shirt for just £37, just under €43. You could easily pay the same price, or more, in any highstreet retailer so Acid87 is very appealing in terms of value. They also stock beanie hats and phone covers at £15, around €17, and snap back caps for £25, around €30.

Overall verdict, we really like Acid87 and what they’re doing with their brand, they’re kind of serious,but  little bit piss-takey, kind of like this review, and the clothes look good, feel great and won’t cost you an arm and a leg, which is just as well, because if they did cost an arm and a leg, you’d be paying for arm and leg holes that you wouldn’t even need. Go and buy some Acid87.