If You Have Ears Feed Them This Thing

If You Have Ears Feed Them This Thing

Here’s at Ibiza Club News, we’ve got a bit of a thing for speakers and sound systems, just as well really, seen as we’re a clubbing publication. Could you imagine if we had a fear or phobia of speakers and sound systems? That would be almost as ridiculous as the time...
Four Leaf Are Fucking Lovely

Four Leaf Are Fucking Lovely

Here at Ibiza Club News, we’re very much of the opinion that clothes are a very important part of life. On this magical island, people tend to wear what they feel most comfortable in, no matter how big or small the item of clothing may be, and while we agree that you...
Acid87 – No Phones, No Photos… Just Dance!

Acid87 – No Phones, No Photos… Just Dance!

You may be surprised to hear this, but here at Ibiza Club News, we’re big fans of clothes. That’s right, we get a real buzz out of sticking our arms, legs and heads through a variety of randomly shaped holes. So, we’re always on the lookout for new threads that both...
Ibiza Wish List: Bring Back 24 Hour Parties

Ibiza Wish List: Bring Back 24 Hour Parties

If you’ve ever been to Ibiza, you’ll probably agree with us that it’s a pretty special place but it’s not quite perfect. That’s not a complaint by the way, there aren’t many places on Earth we’d rather spend time but no matter how good it is, there’s always room for...